
Thursday, April 28, 2011


I like to think that most of posts are light, fun, and positive. I am generally a happy person and I want my blog to be a happy place as well. But today my heart is heavy for all of the people affected by the devastating storms throughout the southeast. Thankfully, my family and friends are safe and my little suburb of Birmingham was not hit. It is horrible no matter where a tragedy like this takes place but the damage in Tuscaloosa, AL (my college town) just breaks my heart. I spent 4 1/2 years in Tuscaloosa and have so many memories there. Places that were part of those memories are not there anymore. The last count that I saw confirmed 128 deaths and the search has just begun. I almost feel guilty looking at the sun shining out my window, sitting in my fully intact house with electricity, and still having all of my treasured belongings. For now they are saying the best thing you can do is donate to the Red Cross disaster relief fund, since roads are blocked and rescue workers are searching for missing people. I have done what I can do in that aspect but it doesn't seem like nearly enough. I will continue to pray for all of the people who have lost their loved ones and their homes. I cannot even imagine the despair. 

Psalm 46:1-2
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.


  1. Lauren, thanks for this post. I have only seen a few minutes of pictures/interviews as we are just now back online with cable and internet. I am devastated about Tuscaloosa. I was educated and married in Tuscaloosa, and it will always be the home of my heart. This is a beautiful post, and I thank you for it. I love the houndstooth ribbon. I have tears streaming down my face just looking at it!

    Ricki Jill
    RIcki Jill

  2. Lauren, I am too a graduate of Alabama (May 2010) and was there just there Tuesday for a wedding shower. I can't believe it and what has happened down there is horrific. My heart is heavy, I am one of the lucky ones that has power in Huntsville. I'm like you in that I feel quilty for having a roof over my head, electrity and sitting comfortably in my home. Thanks for posting, there's more Alabama supporters out there than I've realized.

  3. We have also donated, I wish there was more we could do. I have family through Georgia and Tennessee and thankfully everyone there was ok. I am just really shocked about how people are reacting. The storm was heading our way, and a few counties got hit with it, but nothing like the rest of the rest of the South.
