
Monday, April 4, 2011

Jute Frame Picture Holder

In one of my earlier posts about my bedroom make-over, I showed this picture of my basket with a burlap #3 and a wooden frame. If I am not completely content with the placement of something, I will move it a million times. Well, I did move this frame everywhere that I could think of and I still didn't like it so I threw it into a pile of craft scraps. 
I knew that I would have a use for this frame eventually. Many people have made these Pottery Barn inspired wire frame hangers. While I think those are incredibly cute, I wanted to do something a little different.
First, I sanded and painted my frame white. After it dried, I added a light gray glaze. Then I decided to use jute string in place of wire. I tied knots in each end of the three jute pieces and glued them onto the frame. Finally, I used paper clips to attach  a couple of pictures of two of my favorite people (the best friend and the boyfriend). This is probably going to hang in my bathroom, as I am going for an eclectic chic look. For such a simple project, I think it turned out to be quite cute. and very cheap.
I am working on so many wedding projects that I can't wait to share. None of them are quite finished, but it won't be long!

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