
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blogger Award

I was surprised and beyond excited to receive my first award! I was given the Versatile Blogger award by Melanie at You Made That. You should definitely check out her crafty, creative blog. Thank you so much!

As part of accepting the award, I was asked to list 7 facts about myself and then forward the award to 15 other bloggers.

7 Random Facts About Me
  1. My yorkie Presleigh is my child. seriously.
  2. I am always cold. summer. winter. spring. fall. ALWAYS.
  3. I have my BS in Nutrition and am about to start grad school to become a Registered Dietitian.
  4. I am a University of Alabama alumni and my boyfriend goes to Auburn University (huge rivals in case you aren't from around here).
  5. I love to paint. Abstract is my forte.
  6. I am a health nut.
  7. Whole Foods is one of my favorite places. I can spend hour upon hours in there.
I am passing the award to the following bloggers. Check out their awesome blogs!

Rules for Accepting the Award
  1. Thank the person who awarded you and link them back in your post. Let the person know that you have accepted the award.
  2. Tell everyone 7 random facts about yourself.
  3. Pass the award on to 15 new found bloggers and link their blogs to your post.
  4. Contact each blogger and let them know you have passed the award on to them.

1 comment:

  1. Roll Tide! It was nice learning more about you, Lauren.
    Keep warm today!
