
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Thrifty Find: Bird Cages

I really like home decorating accessories that are inspired by nature. Twigs. Sticks. Antlers. Moss. I love it all. Two things that I have been infatuated with for a while are bird cages and bird nests. The actual birds, not so much. I mean they are beautiful to watch but they just don't do it for me. I'm not sure exactly what my attraction is to such items used for decor. I think it is the combination of the chic appeal of a dainty bird cage with the rustic feel of a nest. I had been eyeing some of the cages in Pottery Barn but I wasn't quite ready to make the splurge, since I really had no idea where I was going to put them.
Pottery Barn (price unknown)
Pottery Barn $149 for set of 2
Pottery Barn $149- $229

I was browsing through the home and garden section at Ross and happened upon two bird cages. It was instant bliss. And the smaller one was $6.99 and the larger one was $9.99. I still had no idea what I would do with them but for that price I knew I would figure it out. For now they are displayed on a vintage suitcase, but in time I will find the perfect spot.


  1. Hi Lauren,
    This is my first visit and I have enjoyed scrolling through your posts! I love the way you have found substitutes for PB and Ballard things, and I thought the "dog toy" solution was so clever! I am a new follower, and I look forward to seeing more! Linda

  2. Score! I like the sweet birdcages. We can all use your tips during this economy! Your blog is very informative. I am your newest follower!

  3. These are inspirational photos, and your finds are charming!
